Our vision is to be a family of believers making disciples to transform the world of Jesus Christ.

Our mission is to equip people to love God and their neighbors. 



Discipleship, empowerment and spiritual growth are at the core of how we nurture our members and remain an instrument to bring people to Christ.

We implement sound and in-depth Christian education and training for all persons.  

We use biblical stewardship to effectively use everyone's time, talent, spiritual gifts and treasures to advance the Kingdom of God.  

We strive to be a place where authentic fellowship ("koinonia") is displayed and practiced and where there is a warm, welcoming, and inclusive environment that embraces, encourages and supports all those who enter.

 Shiloh is dedicated to actively engaging in substantive ways, through Outreach and Missions, to display care, concern and responsibility for the community and the world.

Shiloh is a community of faith rooted in the African American worship tradition, serving hundreds of families in the Greater Trenton Community and around the world.